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Pearson maths past papers and more: iGCSE FOUNDATION

Below you will find all the available past papers, mark schemes and grade boundaries for the PEARSON iGCSE foundation examination. Also included on this page are the course's specification and other useful information, including the dates of the next examination.


Worldwide regions 1 and 2

Why two regions:  Pearson has grouped the world into two regions based on time zones.

Region 1 foundation past papers are sat by students living in UK, Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA).

Region 2 papers were used students living in ASIA, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND and the PACIFIC.

For the May/June exams, Pearson create two versions of their maths iGCSE exam papers. This allows more candidates across the world to sit the exams earlier in the day rather than late into the evening. However, for the November exams, only one version of this International maths GCSE exam is available.   

Note: It is worthwhile practicing the past papers from both regions, as they test the same curriculum.
Both region 1 and Region 2 past papers are included on this page.

Please note, I do NOT tutor iGCSE students.

iGCSE Examination Dates 2024 & 2025

In a 12 month window, there are two opportunities for students to sit their GCSE maths examination. Currently, in May/June and then again in November. The majority of students will sit their GCSE at school in the May/June exam period. Those that fail their summer exam are able to resit their GCSE examination in November, a few months later.

Note:  Prior to 2023, in a 12 month window the two examinations periods were January and May/June.

SUMMER Paper 1 Paper 2
May/June 2025 Thursday 15th May Wednesday 4th June
AUTUMN Paper 1 Paper 2
November 2025



map europe, midde east, africa

Region 1 Pearson iGCSE Foundation Maths Grade Boundaries (5 - 1)

This examination comprises of two papers.

Calculator Paper 1

Duration 2 hours and maximum of 100 marks.

Calculator Paper 2

Duration 2 hours and maximum of 100 marks.

The scores from each paper are combined to give the students examination total score. A maximum of 200 marks is possible. 

For example, a student with a total score of 100 achieved 100/200 = 50%.

Using the table below, in June 2018 this student would be awarded the examination grade 3.

Stick man sat at desk
Region 1: foundation 5 4 3 2 1
June 2018 68.0% = 136 55.0% = 110 40.0% = 80 25.5% = 51 11.0% = 22
Jan 2019 68.5% = 137 56.5% = 113 41.5% = 80 26.5% = 53 11.5% = 23
June 2019 67.0% = 134 57.0% = 114 42.0% = 84 27.0% = 54 02.0% = 24
Jan 2020 72.5% = 145 60.0% = 120 44.0% = 88 28.0% = 56 12.0% = 24
Nov 2020 59.0% = 118 46.5% = 93 34.0% = 68 22.0% = 44 10.0% = 20
COVID = June 2021
Nov 2021 58.0% = 116 43.5% = 87 32.0% = 64 21.0% = 42 10.0% = 20
Jan 2022 59.5% = 119 45.0% = 90 33.0% = 66 21.5% = 43 10.0% = 20
June 2022 65.0% = 130 50.0% = 100 37.0% = 74 24.0% = 48 11.5% = 23
Jan 2023 64.0% = 128 49.0% = 98 36.5% = 73 24.0% = 48 11.5% = 23
June 2023 70.0% = 140 58.5% = 117 43.0% = 86 22.5% = 55 12.0% = 24
November 2023 69.5% = 139 58.0% = 118 42.5% = 85 27.0% = 54 12.0% = 24
June 2024 73.0% = 146 60.5% = 121 44.0% = 88 27.5% = 55 11.0% = 22

NOTE: percentages are rounded to nearest 1 d.p.

Grade boundaries can change from year to year, as you will see in the table above. Although PEARSON work hard to produce exam papers that are of the same level of difficulty each year, small variations do occur. To compensate for this the exam board adjusts the grade boundaries.

Region 1 PEARSON iGCSE FOUNDATION Past Papers and Mark Schemes

Practicing past papers should rank highly on any students list of revision tools. Importantly, do not forget about a completed paper once you have marked your answers. Seek help and support to understand and learn more about the topics you are getting wrong.

  • Access and download a past paper.
  • Mark your answers using the mark scheme. 
  • Use grade boundaries to obtain a grade to see how well you are progressing.

Unavailable papers: The most recent past papers are NOT available to the public, as schools typically use these papers for mock examinations. Hence, you will not find the November 2023 and June 2024 papers published on the internet.

Wise Owl

The termination of January examinations. Be aware that January 2023 was the final January examination series available, as Pearson replaced it's January examinations with November examinations.

Stick man working on laptop


Students living in ASIA, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND and the PACIFIC, sit the region 2 examination papers. Even if you live in region 1, it's worthwhile practicing these past papers and vice versa.


Region 2 FOUNDATION iGCSE grade boundaries (5 - 1)

As with region 1, this examination comprises of two test papers.

Calculator Paper 1 = 2 hours = 100 marks.

Calculator Paper 2 = 2 hours = 100 marks.

The scores from each paper are combined to give the students examination total score. A maximun of 200 marks is possible.  So for example in June 2018, a student with a total score of 100 which equates to 100/200 = 50%, would have been awarded a grade 3.

PEARSON region 2: foundation 5 4 3 2 1
June 2018 68.0% = 136 54.5% = 109 40.0% = 80 25.5% = 51 11.0% = 22
Jan 2019 70.5% = 141 55.5% = 111 40.5% = 81 26.0% = 52 11.5% = 23
June 2019 70.0% = 140 57.0% = 114 42.0% = 84 27.0% = 54 02.0% = 24
Jan 2020 70.5% = 141 56.0% = 112 41.5% = 83 27.0% = 54 12.5% = 25
Nov 2020 59.0% = 118 46.5% = 93 34.0% = 68 22.0% = 44 10.0% = 20
COVID = June 2021
Nov 2021
Jan 2022 59.0% = 118 49.5% = 89 33.0% = 66 21.5% = 43 10.0% = 20
June 2022 61.0% = 122 43.5% = 87 32.5% = 65 21.5% = 43 10.5% = 21
Jan 2023 67.5% 135 52.0% = 104 39.0% = 78 26.0% = 52 13.0% = 26
June 2023 68.5% = 137 54.0% = 108 39.0% = 78 24.0% = 48 09.0% = 18
November 2023
June 2024 70.0% = 140 58.5% = 117 42.5% = 85 27.0% = 54 11.5% = 23

Region 2 Foundation iGCSE past papers and mark schemes

The termination of January examinations. Be aware that January 2023 was the final January examination series available, as Pearson replaced it's January examinations with November examinations.

More about Pearson's Foundation Series 4MA1 (syllabus A)   


Pearson (formally Edexcel) International iGCSEs are globally recognised qualifications with academic content designed specifically for international learners. This qualification is comparable to the UK reformed GCSEs in terms of the level of demand and assessment standards.

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