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The UK Maths Challenge (UKMC) -

Junior is for students aged 11-13

The Junior UKMC past papers are aimed at students in school year 7 and below. These papers are produced by the UK Mathematics Trust (UKMT) a registered charity.  The purpose of these challenges, is to cultivate an interest in mathematics and a love of solving problems. In each challenge, students answer 25 multiple-choice questions that require the application of mathematical reasoning and problem solving. Test duration is 60 minutes. Each year, several thousand students from the UK take part.

Questions 1 - 15 recieve 5 marks per correct answer. 

Questions 16 - 25 recieve 6 marks per correct answer.


All students recieve a certificate of participation. Some students are awarded a bronze, silver or gold certificate.

NOTE: The Junior Kangaroo Challenge

Each year the highest scoring student from the Junior Maths Challenge are invited to take part in a second competition called the Junior Kangaroo. Entry to this challenge is by UKMT invitation only and based on a qualifying score, which fluctuates from year to year. The junior kangaroo challenge is also a multiple choice test paper.

I DO NOT provide tutoring for UKMT challenges. 

stick man writing a note

The Most Recent Junior Past Papers

   Older Junior UKMT's challenges

These papers can be viewed online but cannot be downloaded. However, hard copies of these papers can bought directly from the UKMT's shop.

Junior 14 Junior 13 Junior 12 Junior 11

Junior Maths Challenge Grade Boundaries

Year Bronze Silver Gold Kangaroo Olympiad
2000 52 66 82 106
2001 58 73 88 114
2002 45 57 73 100
2003 44 57 75 105
2004 47 60 75 100
2005 51 64 79 102
2006 39 51 66 92
2007 43 54 69 94
2008 45 56 71 99
2009 45 57 72 100
2010 44 56 73 102
2011 49 61 77 104
2012 56 71 86 110
2013 49 63 82 113
2014 50 63 79 108
2015 51 62 78 88 105
2016 51 65 81 93 113
2017 52 63 77 86 107
2018 49 61 75 82 105
2019 41 54 71 78 106
2020* 70 86 102
2021 45 57 73 73 98
2022 52 66 84 92 120
2023 52 66 82 88 113
2024 57 70 86 92 123

2020* = an online challenge

stick man on a laptop
Visit UKMT's website

Nrich Website For Maths Problem solving Practice At Home

A range of thought provoking and enriching mathematical activities and articles aimed at students, parents and guardians, and teachers, categorised into age groups.

Nrich Maths at home

A bank of free aware winning online mathematical activities for learners aged 3-19. Ideal for children and students to work on independently at home.

Nrich Thinking Mathematically

A collections of activities designed to develop your capacity to work as a mathematician

Dr Kevin Olding from Mathsaurus provides a free online course to help students prepare for the Junior challenge.

online course for junior maths challenge by Mathsaurus
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